Things I Find Incredible

As a practicing veterinarian, in 2006, I was diagnosed with a condition that was all too common in my patients, cancer.  In reality, the form of cancer, being in my bladder, was also a very common site in my companion animal patients, so I was familiar with it in many regards.  Since that time, I have become almost obsessed to an extent, in researching not just options for better management, but also health in general, realizing the many faults in my own personal life regimen.  In this pursuit, which is really one of knowledge, I have become well aware of many truths and likewise many opportunities regarding intervention. There are many things that I have come to find quite incredible. Do we have to suffer or do we have a choice in the matter?

Battling Health Decisions

As a trained veterinarian, we are often taught to just see the disease for what it is and target treatment, often with pharmaceutical intervention.  No matter what that disease is, our goal is to diagnose, establish a prognosis and aim our therapy gun.  In most cases, we don’t ask or inquire as to where that disease came from or even why it is on the rise in some populations. In many cases it was obvious, such as with an infection, but even then, some infections still could not be explained in terms of their origins. Regardless, we had our antibiotics which would come to the rescue, right?

In some cases, yes, but in other cases, no.  Still yet, when presented with two patients with identical conditions, such as an ear infection, why did one respond so readily and another did not?  This is actually due to patient individuality, despite having a perceived identical condition. Those were the questions in my mind, but we were not really taught to ask those questions, but more so just continue to seek therapy, moving to a stronger antibiotic or even a combination.  Many of those cases actually then did worse, despite our intentions, as the medications often came with side effects.  It was often a battle in some patients.

In my personal situation, I was 36 years old, being diagnosed with bladder cancer, which actually took about 6 months to diagnose, due to physicians ruling it out as a possibility just because of my age.  It was an ‘older person’ disease, they said.  Well, needless to say, my symptoms continued and my condition progressed, until I did my own ultrasound exam, which was something we performed on our many patients.  Was it a shocker to see that tumor, in a part of my body held private from the rest of the world? I don’t need to answer that, but in the coming months, despite surgery and local chemotherapy, I was actually worse than before.  I had questions, but my team of physicians had no answers.

This story is not about me and my condition, but more so what I have learned in the process, things that have really hit home and I find incredible on many levels.  I am currently 17 years post diagnosis with no recurrence of my cancer in that time period, which is actually not common for the average bladder cancer patient.  Do I know something the others don’t?  Maybe, but maybe not.  Maybe it is just ‘luck’ as some would say.  After all, I will be the first to admit that the cancer could just reappear at any time, but hopefully not, right?

During my recovery, struggling with ongoing problems, I began some intensive research digging through journals, online resources and communicating directly with researchers.  As I discovered possibilities, or links, I applied them with some direction and guidance, often from others in the research world.  As I did this, my condition improved, but despite this improvement, my physicians didn’t ask questions and quickly dismissed my questions when asked.

So, what do I find incredible?  Many things.

  1. First, as a veterinarian and medical officer, I find it really interesting how those the medical field often dismisses research that has been conducted in distant and the not so distant past regarding health, causes, connections and means of non-pharmaceutical intervention.
  2. Second, what is becoming increasingly obvious is that we, as a society, are actually creating many of the health problems we are encountering, not just in us as humans, but in our animal companions as well.
  3. Third, a high percentage of health ailments (>90% in my guess) are linked back to unregulated inflammation and oxidative stress damage on a cellular level, which is something we have discussed in a few past articles on Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Injury.
  4. Fourth, we have more capabilities and choices than we are led to believe when it comes to our health.
  5. Fifth, I think we are just scraping the surface of proper application of herbs and nutrition regarding health, disease prevention and potentially treatment.
  6. Sixth, there is a hidden power of the mind, our mind, which intimately plays a role in not just our recovery from any illness or injury, but also the creation of it.  (The Primary Factor)

Knowledge and Wisdom

In my years of pouring over research, I have learned that it is very interesting and with comes with many possibilities, but it can also become addictive at times.  Often, with more knowledge, we have more questions, which is good, I suppose, but yet, I have found no end to the questions…they continue to come.  I don’t have all of the answers and have yet to come across anyone that does.  More so, what we find are researchers that are specialists in their respective fields, targeting certain disease conditions, but yet failing to make connections with others.  We have a failure to share information, share knowledge and make connections.  Many are dependent on their research to make a living, which is their goal, instead of actually alleviating human and animal suffering.  Others are focused on the Holy Grail, wanting that fame that comes with discovery, thus not likely to share their knowledge or collaborate with others. Sadly, despite all of that research and dollars spent, they are revealing to us nothing new in the grand scheme of things, that our medical ancestors from various cultures already new 100 years ago. Now, with science, we just know more details.

In the end, my conclusion is that the answers are actually there, right in front of us, but we fail to truly see.   I’ve talked about knowledge in another article and health implications. Wisdom is knowledge applied.  We can have all of this research, which is knowledge, but how to apply it is wisdom.  I’m certainly not implying that I have reached that point, but much of it doesn’t require a ton of thinking in order to apply.  Since when do we need to heed precautions in the application of a healthier diet or just eating a couple of apples per day?  How about implementation of herbs in our daily regimen?  Does that require precaution?  In some, yes, but this precaution is usually due to concerns over interaction with medications that a patient may be on currently.  Is it the fault of the herb or is it the fault of the medication?  If there is an interaction, which one should we eliminate?  To a trained herbalist, we eliminate or slowly taper the medication.  To the western minded physician, due to lack of understanding, we eliminate the herb or dietary change.

How To Create Change?

I was listening to our local news this morning on the television in the background, and I heard a commercial for some program stating as the catch phrase, “if you want change, BE the change“. It rang true to me, but unfortunately it was for a program about killing and vengeance. In either case, the statement is true.  Change is possible, for any of us, but WE have to be that change, or the cause of it.

In my years of digging through research, I find that many diseases are not only potentially preventable but also there is a distinct ability to manage them better.  Note that I said “manage” and not ‘cure’, as the second word enters some dangerous territory. However, in the world of pharmaceuticals, the word ‘cure’ does not apply. We are chasing one medication after the other either to alleviate clinical signs or combat side effects.

Most are not interested in disease prevention, as here we can’t put a finger on something tangible.  If we live to 100 through application of theories, without development of cancer or any other major health ailment, some would say that maybe we were just destined for it, instead of seeing the efforts we applied.  There are many, after a disease diagnosis, that take the bull by the horns and become very vested in their health, while others become a ‘victim’ of sorts, relying on physicians and medications.  In the end, you will get out of it what you put in. That doesn’t mean that one approach is better than the other, but maybe the happy middle ground is application of both.

Change is possible, but in order to do that, we need knowledge and guidance.  I was not trained in the abilities of herbs or even nutrition, as a veterinarian, but took that education upon myself.  It was a choice I made, because the path I was heading down was not a positive one.   That information can come from many places, but research should be first and foremost. In today’s day and age, with the internet and social media, there are many ‘teachers’ out there, if you want to call them that.  More so, they can be misleading, pushing benefits of one herb for weight loss and touting another for cancer prevention.  In reality, the processes are the same on a basic level but despite those benefits, those herbs may not be beneficial for every person.  Even then, dose, potency and purity become major players.  When you buy Curcumin at a box store in a pill vial, is it really Curcumin or a lesser form, potentially diluted or even full of heavy metals?  I can tell you, as a purchaser of herbs in huge bulk volumes, that there is a lot of junk on the market and we do need to exercise caution about what we are buying.  I have standards for myself and our customers, as I take these herbs daily myself.

Taking a new direction and making a change can be done, but it can be scary as you are often treading undiscovered territory and many times doing it alone without outside support. Many times, we have nothing to lose, but motivation is a factor. First, that confidence has to first come from within yourself, that it can be done.  Second, that confidence is made stronger through an understanding of the problem at hand and options for therapy.  Third, our confidence is secured further when we have guidance or support.  That third point can be tough when it comes to our current health care system, trust me on this as I have personal experience.

The Primary Factor

I mentioned in my points above that there appears to be an hidden power within our mind, which to me is what creates and destroys.  For many, they refer to this power as being the mind itself, the unconscious mind, or the subconscious mind.  Either way, when you get into this subject matter and see cases studies demonstrating this hidden power within each one of us, it is quite incredible.

On a basic level, it has become obvious to me that we all create our destinies and the life story around us through our choices and thoughts.  One can say that they have an illness or even arthritis, but in truth, this was a situation which was created by them, as our my personal health ailments.  Given this aspect of creation, the question comes as to whether if it can be ‘uncreated’ by making a different choice.

I have read many stories about individuals making incredible choices when it comes to their health and what arises in my mind is why we don’t all do this or take this approach.  I have seen countless research case studies on individuals with Parkinson’s, cancer, or other health maladies, often severe in nature, who make a choice to change and more times than not, they succeed.

I recall a case study involving an older gentleman with progressive pancreatic cancer, who declined all therapy and opted for nutritional changes and high dose vitamin C.  He lived for another 5 years, cancer free, only to die at the hands of his surgeons due to a bad decision on their end.  Then there was a recent cases study involving a man with Parkinson’s, who gave up his medications due to side effects, and began self dosing with various herbs, including the medicinal mushroom Reishi.  His condition was monitored and over 6 months, he did not worsen, but he gained tremendous insight and a sense of peace with his condition.

Then, there is a case written up by a neurologist, Norman Doidge MD,  in the book, “The Brain’s Way of Healing“.  In this book, Dr. Doidge talks about neuroplasticity and how the brain can change, then details a case of a man who has dealt with Parkinson’s for decades, only to get worse.  This gentleman took it upon himself to research options and concluded that exercise was the ticket, as well as focused attention on his actions.  This would be viewed as being ‘awareness’ in today’s meditative society.  Through this approach, walking 15 miles per week and monitoring his every move with focused attention, the patient clinically appeared to be cured of Parkinson’s disease.  In truth, he wasn’t cured, but he overcame the disease, using and building other areas of his brain to take control, relieving the damaged section.  This is neuroplasticity.  The gentleman headed a support group for others in his area, relaying what he was doing and how to do it, but despite his efforts, most members were not on board and refused to fully comply.  Why?  Either it was too much work or they just didn’t believe.  This then opens the door for faith.

Our mind is a powerful entity and I am speaking of our mind being separate from the brain.  We create every day and we can uncreate as well. The question is what do we choose.  I can write an article on an herb and mental health, or arthritis, but many still do not make a choice to try this approach despite the research.  Or, if they do try the approach, the commitment time is very short, being one month in most instances.  That is the level of their faith or ability.  It is also reflective of the level of understanding.

In the End

When it comes to our health, it is something that cannot be bought with money or maybe to an extent it can.  Money will not guarantee our success or longevity, as many millionaires have lost the battle with health ailments ranging from cognitive conditions to diabetes or even cancer.  However, money can help us to afford a better diet and implementation of herbs, but even then we must first have knowledge.  We are already spending money on food, now we just need the knowledge of how to apply that money properly.

I’ve learned a lot in the past 17 years, way beyond the scope of this article, but I can say two things. First, that we possess  tremendous healing properties within each one of us.  Second, we possess the ability to change and acquire knowledge.

My health condition hit me like a ton of bricks, when I wasn’t even looking or paying attention.  Now, I take a preventative approach, being aware of choices and research that is available to me.  Does this mean or imply that I have no aches, pains or other health issues? Certainly not, but they are minimal considering my increasing age and I still remain in charge of them through choice. Do I have an advantage over another, being a doctor?  To an extent, yes, but even knowledge about the human body, how it functions and what can be done to alter the course, is available to all of us.  We don’t need a medical degree to gain that knowledge and apply it in our own body.

As a parting thought, I was watching a news story about Michael J. Fox and his battle with Parkinson’s disease.  In the piece, he was quite fidgety but talked about how stress and anxiety, due to being interviewed, made his condition worse.  He demonstrated that he could ‘still’ himself, which he did on camera, becoming completely still with no tremors.  This demonstrated not only choice, but the power of the mind to make choices.  It’s quite possible that if properly focused, trained and tuned, that power is much greater than we believe.

The choice is up to you.  Sometimes you have to fight for what you desire. 


Author:  Tom Schell, D.V.M, CVCH, CHN



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